Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A & M

I'd like to show you where I am working whilst in New Zealand this year.  Whanganui Accident & Medical (WAM) Clinic is located on the Hospital campus next to Emergency Department (ED). 

If you need urgent medical attention, but cannot get in to see your usual General Practitioner (GP), you will first get to hospital & then make your way to the shared WAM/ED entrance.

At this point you will be greeted & registered here at Reception.  Depending on your need, you will be directed to the Triage Nurse at either ED or WAM.

The Triage Nurse will assess you according to the Australasian Triage Scale (ATS).  The ATS ranks the severity of your problem & determines the order in which you will be seen.  T1's & T2's go directly to ED.  WAM is for urgent non-emergency health care & the most urgent patients will be seen first.
The rare view of an empty waiting room

After your triage/wait, the doctor will call your name & then escort you down this hallway...

Wound repairs & minor procedures are
done here in the Treatment Room

Eye complaints & foreign bodies are
seen in the Eye Room

There are two Observation Beds for more urgent illnesses

Usually, the doctor will bring you to one of three Consultation Rooms
The computers use Medtech32 (EMR) & Carestream (X rays)
If you have a fracture, the nurse will apply your cast in the Plaster Bay.  Before leaving, 
Reception will schedule your follow-up appointment at the WAM fracture clinic.

It's 3:00.  Need a quick hot cup of Milo?
The Staff Break Room in the back. 

The gardens outside the main hospital building
Delicious cup of tea at the coffee shop downstairs
Inside the Main Entrance at Hospital

I have a 1 hour lunch break & go to the hospital cafeteria (above) when the weather is rainy or cold.  On fine days, however, I spend that time outdoors at the river (below), just a 5 minute walk from hospital.

Don't forget to pay your fee before you leave!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Visit From the Cuzzies!

Erik, Bethany, and their boys (Henry, Otto and Charlie) arrived in Auckland last week.  They enjoyed some time in the city and explored around the Bay of Plenty for a couple of days before making their way to Wanganui last Friday. 

We spent Saturday showing them some of our favourite weekend hot spots.

Victoria Avenue

Chronicle Glass Studio

Sidewalk Piano

Cherry Cottage Cupcakes

Lake Virginia

Feeding the ducks at Lake Virginia

Wanganui Girls' College grounds

Wanganui Girls' College tour given by Ellie

Castlecliff beach

On Sunday we drove to Mt. Taranaki to hike through the Goblin Forest to Wilke's Pools.  It was perfect weather for some tramping.

After our hike we continued driving up to New Plymouth where we inhaled some Burger Fuel and enjoyed the famous beach walk.

We were also able to spend a day at Kai Iwi beach where the boys got to do some more boogie-boarding and we all enjoyed the playground and a picnic at high tide.

A great way to end a day at the beach - real fruit ice cream from Westmere Berry Farms.

The time with the cousies went way too fast.  Before we knew it, it was time to say good-bye and they were off to explore around this beautiful country a bit more (Waitomo Caves, Rotorua, Hobbiton) before taking off for home.  Thank you for coming to visit us - we had a great time!!